

Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Edukasi Indonesia (JPMEI), e-ISSN: 3032-663X, Nomor SK ISSN: 3032663X/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/02/2024 is an academic journal that aims to publish and disseminate the results of community service, studies, and practices in the field of health and education in Indonesia. aims at publishing conceptual thoughts or ideas and research findings that have been achieved in the field of service to the community. This journal focuses on some scope and interests, such as nutrition or stunting; community nursing; public health nursing; home care nursing; community midwifery; the field of clinical pharmacy; and other health.Publis 3 times in 1 year: February, June, and Oktober

The main purpose of this journal is to provide a forum for education practitioners, researchers, and academics to share experiences, knowledge, and best practices to improve the quality of education in Indonesia. This journal encourages collaboration between stakeholders in education, including lecturers, teachers, students, and other parties involved in educational development.






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